How To Open Gas Tank On A Rav4 – Explained

Knowing how to open the gas tank on your Toyota RAV4 is a simple yet crucial skill, especially in situations where you’re running on low fuel and need to refill to keep moving. It’s a straightforward process, but the mechanism varies slightly depending on the model year of your RAV4. Whether it’s a rental, a borrowed car from a friend, or your newly purchased vehicle, understanding the opening mechanism will save you from potential embarrassments or delays at the gas station. This guide provides detailed steps on how to access the gas tank, ensuring a smooth refuelling process.

Different Models of Toyota RAV4

The Toyota RAV4 has undergone various modifications over the years, with each model featuring slight differences in the gas tank opening mechanism. It’s essential to note the model year of your RAV4 as the process varies notably between older (1994-2018) and newer (2019-2023) models.

Instructions for 2019-2023 Models

Location of the Release Switch

In the newer models of Toyota RAV4 (2019-2023), the gas cap release switch is tactically placed, albeit a bit hidden to maintain the aesthetic sleekness of the interior. Here’s how to locate it:

  • The release switch is on the bottom section of the dashboard, below the left side of the steering wheel.
  • It’s right next to the engine hood release switch, and both switches look identical, which can be confusing.
  • The gas tank cap release is the switch on the left.
LocationBottom section of the dashboard
SideBelow the left side of the steering wheel
IdentificationLeft switch next to the engine hood release switch

Steps to Open the Gas Tank

Once you locate the release switch, follow these steps to open the gas tank:

  1. Pull the Gas Cap Release Switch: Gently pull the gas cap release switch.
  2. Remove the Gas Cap: Twist the gas cap to the left to remove it, then place it on the gas cap holder located on the inside of the fuel door.
  3. Proceed to Refuel: At this point, you can proceed with refuelling your RAV4.
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Upon completion, replace the gas cap and turn it to the right until you hear a click, confirming it’s properly sealed. Then, close the fuel door to secure the gas tank.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Occasionally, you may encounter some hitches when attempting to open the gas tank, especially if the fuel door gets stuck. The mechanical and electric options available in some models offer alternative ways to open the fuel tank​1​.

Instructions for 1994-2018 Models

Location of the Release Switch

For the older models, the fuel door release switch is more straightforward to locate:

  • The release switch is on the floor to the left of the driver’s seat.
  • Pull up to release the fuel door.
LocationFloor to the left of the driver’s seat
MechanismPull up to release

Steps to Open the Gas Tank

The steps to open the gas tank in older models are quite similar to the newer models, with a slight variation in the location of the release switch:

  1. Pull the Fuel Door Release Switch: Gently pull up the fuel door release switch located on the floor.
  2. Remove the Gas Cap: Twist the gas cap to the left, then place it on the gas cap holder inside the fuel door.
  3. Proceed to Refuel: Fill up your tank as required.

Ensure to replace the gas cap properly and close the fuel door securely after refuelling.

Safety Precautions

Before attempting to open the gas tank, it’s paramount to ensure safety:

  • Turn Off the Car: Ensure the car is turned off to prevent any accidents.
  • Unlock the Doors: The fuel cap will not open if the doors are locked. Make sure all doors are unlocked before you proceed​2​.
PrecautionAction Required
Car StateTurned off
Door StateUnlocked

Alternative Methods

Using the Key

In some scenarios, especially if the gas cap release switch is malfunctioning or if you have an older model, using a key is a viable method to open the gas tank on your Toyota RAV4. This procedure is simple and handy in times of need:

  1. Insert the Key: Place the key into the gas tank door.
  2. Turn Clockwise: Turn the key clockwise to unlock the door.
  3. Gently Pull: Once unlocked, gently pull the door open to access the gas tank​1​.
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1Insert the key into the gas tank door
2Turn the key clockwise
3Gently pull the door open

Electric Options

Some modern Toyota RAV4 models come with electric options for opening the gas tank door. This feature adds a level of convenience and ease, especially for individuals who may find the mechanical method cumbersome.

  • Locate the Fuel Door Release Button: This button is usually found within the driver’s compartment, often with a fuel pump icon on it.
  • Press the Button: A simple press will trigger the fuel door to open, granting you access to the gas tank​2​.
Fuel Door Release ButtonPress to open fuel door

Safety Precautions

It’s paramount to observe safety precautions whenever you’re dealing with fuel systems in vehicles:

  • Turn Off the Car: Ensure the engine is off before you attempt to open the gas tank.
  • Unlock the Doors: Most vehicles have a safety feature that prevents the gas tank from being opened if the doors are locked. Ensure all doors are unlocked before you proceed​3​.
Engine StateTurned off
Door StateUnlocked


Here are some frequently asked questions concerning opening the gas tank on a Toyota RAV4:

  • Why is my gas tank door not opening?
    • It could be due to a malfunctioning release switch, a jammed door, or the doors of the car being locked.
  • Where is the gas tank release switch located in a Toyota RAV4?
    • The location varies with the model. In newer models (2019-2023), it’s near the steering wheel, while in older models (1994-2018), it’s on the floor to the left of the driver’s seat.
  • Can I use a key to open the gas tank?
    • Yes, in some models, a key can be used to unlock the gas tank door, especially if the release switch is malfunctioning​1​.
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